(15th - On the train to Belgium)
Well the food was fantastic though I didn’t make it to Essen this time…
So I made it to Germany despite the set back, only 5 hours late and somewhat poorer. I arrived rather late at night and was so glad to see Anna!! We had dinner past midnight…. And then went right to sleep, I was exhausted! Thursday I had a lazy morning that was so needed. We had lunch and headed into Bonn on our bikes in the rain (it’s a university town and everyone bikes everywhere, so great!). We visited Anna’s friend and walked about Bonn, birthplace of Beethoven. It is a very nice city as it wasn’t destroyed in the war and isn’t too big or too small. Later we met up with some of the international students in the medical program for whom Anna is a coordinator and we all went to an outdoor beer garden on the Rhine for dinner and then off to see a silent movie outside in the courtyard of the university. (It had luckily stopped raining by that point though stayed a bit cold…) The movie was really good and had French inter-titles so I could even understand, though it is amazing how much can be communicated without words and I think I would’ve understood anyway.
Yesterday we were supposed to go to Essen and even bought tickets before finding out that Anna’s parents weren’t getting back from Chicago until today… so we decided it was too far to go if they weren’t even going to be there. So Anna the miracle worker talked the train lady into giving us a refund on our tickets and we went to Köln instead. We saw the beautiful Dom cathedral and wandered about the shopping district (didn't buy anything as my backpack is already overflowing!) gathering food until we had enough for a first-rate picnic. Which we ate in the belt park, a circular park that surrounds Köln. Then we caught the train back to Bonn and biked back up to Anna’s where she made amazing crêpes! So we feasted again and then relaxed and watched a movie. It was so nice to see her again and catch up after 3 years, some people never change! I am now on the train to Belgium to visit my first au-pair family for the weekend.
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